Welcome to EPMC

The Eldorado Park Muslim Council was formed in but only became an officially registered in 2007 as a Section 21 Company (2007/033309/08), it is also registered as an Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 065 319) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930 028) which is allowed to issue Section 18a Tax Certificates. The organisation primarily looks after the Islamic Affairs in the suburb of Eldorado Park taking as its responsibility the upkeep and development of the Masaajid and Madaaris in the area. With a Muslim population of 6 500 Muslims (1350 Muslim families), Eldorado Park is the biggest coloured Muslim community in Gauteng. To meet the needs of our community we have initiated the following projects or activities:

Latest Activities

Adopt A Granny


which primarily looks after those aged members of the community whom have no dependants to look after them which is done through an electronic transfer directly into their accounts at R500 a month

Muslims @ Work

23 Sep 2084

which helps to not only upskill our youth but also assists them with securing meaningful full time employment



which sees to the upkeep of our Masaajid and Madaaris



which sees to the Islamic as well as secular needs of the community in the form of madrasa classes for both children and adults as well as tuition classes

Buy a Brick


which sees to the expansion of our Masaajid and Madaaris when the need arises, currently we are extending the ladies section of the Extension 1 Masjid



seeks to collect sponsorship and donations for all the work undertaken by the EPMC

The Committee

  • Alhamdulillah, the Rates & Taxes as well as the Water & Lights accounts are being sponsored by an anonymous donor. The rest of the expenses are seen to by the Jumuah Collections and Door-to-Door Collections.

    Rashaad le Roux Treasurer
  • On the 18th September 2016, Sharing Islam was launched. This is an initiative aimed at inviting people to Islam and providing support for those who have embraced Islam overt the years

    Hasan Evans Chairman
  • A minute Madrassah is held every weekday after Eshaa by Imam Husain Evans and Ml Zubair Mlotshwa.Presently they are reading from Muslim and Mishkaatul Masaabih.

    Husain EvansMember